% _______________________________ About ___________________________________ % To find root of a given equation by bisection method % By Mahesha MG, MIT Manipal % Date: 24/10/2013 % ________________________________Input____________________________________ clc; clear; display('Enter the equation. eg: x^2+x-1'); f1=input('Enter a valid MATLAB expression in x : ','s'); e=input('Enter the accuracy : '); % _____________________To get upper and lower range________________________ x=0; f0=eval(f1); if abs(f0)<e display('Root of the equation is zero'); else i=1; while(i) x=x+1; if (f0*eval(f1))<0 xl=0; xu=x; i=0; end x=-x; if (f0*eval(f1))<0 xl=x; xu=0; i=0; end x=abs(x); end x=xl; if eval(f1)<0 xn=xl; xp=xu; else xn=xu; xp=xl; end % ________________________________Bisection________________________________ while (abs(xn-xp)>e) x=(xn+xp)/2; if eval(f1)<0 xn=x; else xp=x; end end Root=x end % _________________________________________________________________________